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Educated - A Simple Review


  • 英文标题:Educated
  • 中文标题:你当像鸟飞往你的山


Why You Should Read This Book


  • 奇迹!一部新人处女作,上市第一周即登上《纽约时报》畅销榜,至今已累计80周,仍高居Top1,全美销量破百万册,作者因此书被《时代周刊》评为“年度影响力人物”!
  • 美国亚马逊年度编辑选书 第一名
  • 《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《波士顿环球报》畅销书排行 第一名
  • Goodreads 读者票选 超越米歇尔《成为》,获年度最佳图书
  • Goodreads 399699 人打分,42720 条评论, 4.48 分(满分 5 分)
  • 《洛杉矶时报》最佳传记奖
  • 《纽约时报》《卫报》《华盛顿邮报》《泰晤士报》《星期日泰晤士报》《经济学人》《奥普拉杂志》、美国国家公共广播电台等二十多家权威媒体年度图书。


N年前,我读过追风筝的人,在当时还算”新“或者”畅销“。最近两年读过的畅销书,可能只有两本:一是东野圭吾的《解忧杂货店》,另一本Benjamin Dreyer写的Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style. 再仔细想想,其实追风筝的人再当时算是追了个新,追了个畅销,而读解忧完全是因为喜欢东野,而读Dreyer则是因为这其实是一本畅销或者说是流行的”工具书“。

其实从来没有思考过这个问题,但与阅读best seller相比而言,仿佛我潜在是有一点倾向去读那些有一点点年份的所谓的”经典“的。当然,这里并没有包边判断在里面,并没有说”新出的书就不好“的意思,只是总结了一下发现自己的阅读倾向仿佛是这样。









抱着这个念头,我是非常想吐槽《当你像鸟飞往你的山》这个译名的。WTF。What does it have anything to do with “educated”?

然后我发现好像我错了,因为有人解释说flee like a bird to your mountain是Bible Psalm 11:1中的一节,意思是找到新的信仰。

Wow. Just WOW.


然后我发现我好像又错了,圣经原文见这里,because David, instead of fleeing to the mountains like a bird, he chose to flee to the Lord.

山对于Lord来说是贬义的,是无知的鸟才会去寻求庇护的地方。这么一说,仿佛信仰系统和无知才是山,知识才是真正的Lord。How I can flee to the mountain like a bird when I have the Lord? How I can flee back to my parent’s ignorant belief system when I can fly to the sea of the knowledge?


一千个读者 一千个哈姆雷特


  • “I’ve always prided myself on my ability to teach myself things. Whenever I don’t know a lot about something, I’ll read a textbook or watch an online course until I do." … “I thought I was pretty good at teaching myself – until I read Tara Westover’s memoir Educated. Her ability to learn on her own blows mine right out of the water.”
  • “Educated is an amazing story, and I get why it’s spent so much on the top of the New York Times bestseller list.” … “It reminded me in some ways of the Netflix documentary Wild, Wild Country, which I recently watched. Both explore people who remove themselves from society because they have these beliefs and knowledge that they think make them more enlightened. Their belief systems benefit from their separateness, and you’re forced to be either in or out.”





就跟Born a Crime中提到的hood一样。虽然那不是宗教,不是信仰,但是是人们共同相信的想象。本书作者逃离摩门教家庭对我的震撼要小于Trevor在母亲的教导下逃离apartheid, which is true, unconditional love.

如果老田的《魔鬼中的天使》是song of the year话,book of the year当仁不让是Born a Crime. Yep, it’s that good.


When my parents were young, there were some big movements (hey, I’m trying to be politically correct here,) where there wasn’t enough food for everybody, and lots of students dropped out of school and became part of the movement. For them, not being starved to death, or killed, not having proper education, but being able to join the army, then joining a state-owned company for life, was probably the best scenario they could have. During that time, in the worst case, you could get starved to death because of the lack of food, or get killed if you said something politically incorrect in public places.

When I reached 7, if I had some issues learning-wise, nobody in the family could help me, cuz they didn’t go to college. They might know the answer, but they didn’t know how to speak in a way that a 7-year-old would understand. Back then, I would literally cry out of frustration.

But I don’t blame them, at all. Because I know, for them, getting out of their traditional family life and getting into the city as blue-collar workers are “educated.” They’ve made a big jump. They flew out of their mountains and got “educated.”

I guess I was either smart or lucky (or both) that my story unfolded better later in my life. I was lucky enough to get into the best university and toured the whole EU. For me, I’ve also made a jump. It’s nothing compared to “from an illiterate to a doctor,” but it was something; I jumped the way of small-city life and got enlightened.

To be fair, though, I started from a much better place than my parents. Thanks to my parents, I started in a small city, not a rural area, and I had the chance to get educated. For that, thank you, mom and dad.

I can understand why people would feel shocked by this book, I am too, but not that much.

My family history is a book of getting educated and getting out of our old lives. So, the educated book? It is OK, but my mind isn’t blown away.

What Moved Me

Yes, you can love your family and still choose to say goodbye to it.

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